How to stand out in a competitive world?

19 September 2019

When it comes to food, it is worth referring to the current trends, i.e. what customers crave the most.

At the same time, this is also the most difficult thing for fast food chains to duplicate, meaning freshness and the locality of the product. When we add "live cooking" on top of that, the customer knows clearly what he is dealing with.

TAGI: Shopper, TradeMarketing, Probspl, foodtrend

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Lidl promo tactic

27 August 2019

A proper pricing strategy is very important for retailers, especially when it comes to promotions.

The majority of the price cut is covered by the producer of the promoted product, while some comes directly from the retailer’s margin. In addition, to maximize the effects, it is worth promoting important categories systematically. This is what promotional calendars are used for - to better manage promotion time and prices. When it comes to discount stores, due to the limited assortment, the case seems much simpler. But it turns out that this is not always the case, as you can see in the example of Lidl.

TAGI: Shopper, lidl, Probspl, storeactivation, ariel, persil

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Lidl price tactic

22 August 2019

Setting RSP (Retail Shelf Price) for individual products, manufacturers and retailers usually take into account the prices of their similar products and that of the competition.

Another rule which allows them to cover additional costs is to raise the price of the product through the added value of the product itself. It can be the form of the product (e.g. a set of separately packed mini products) or packaging (e.g. a zip - lock that makes it possible to open and close of the product multiple times). We follow the principle that the shopper is ready to pay more, when he can see the benefit for himself.

TAGI: Shopper, lidl, Probspl, retail, price

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Finlandia BTL

13 August 2019

When it comes to spirits, in-store activation plays a very important marketing role for the brand.

It often replaces the classic ATL, which is tightly limited by legal regulations. As always, it turns out that even a “plain shelf divider”, can be unusual, because in marketing it is the idea that matters the most.

TAGI: Shopper, POSM, btl, Probspl, InStoreActivation, finlandia

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Coca Cola vs Dr.MARCUS

08 August 2019

As it turns out, the “red truck” can be a BTL theme for various brands.

For Coca Cola it is a continuation of its flagship Christmas advertisement, which connects a very strong ATL campaign and in-store activation, which is BTL.

TAGI: Shopper, btl, Probspl, InStoreActivation

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