Promotional Sale ???

07 January 2019

Standing in front of the shelf with promotions in the store, we often see a resultant of 2 different approaches - Producer and Retailer.

From the Producer's side, the activities are planned by marketing and Trade Marketing, which form a calendar of activities for KAM, who in turn negotiates with the buyer of the Retailer.

TAGI: Shopper, TradeMarketing, promo, procter, Rossmann

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Traffic builders - products magnets

18 October 2018

Each retail chain wants to attract as many customers as possible. In Poland, the easiest way to do it is by promoting popular products at great prices. In the autumn, sugar is becoming such a "product of a fight" between the chains, as the autumn processing of fruit preserves and tinctures are still popular.

TAGI: Shopper, TradeMarketing, btl, promo

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Promotion ROI

22 February 2018

The situation we can see in the attached picture from Rossmann is a common one - the Producer introduces new promotional activities, and the previous ones are still on the shelves.

TAGI: promo, Rossmann, ROI

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